Affordable Pricing with the Supreme Court Press

When your client's case has made it as far as an application to the Supreme Court, the chances are they are exhausted - mentally, emotionally, and financially. They are hoping the high court can deliver them justice, but have become wary about the escalating cost of legal services. Moreover, the probability that the Supreme Court will grant certiorari is low. In 2010, there were 5,910 petitions for a Writ of Certiorari filed with the Supreme Court, but cert was granted for only 165 cases. That is a success rate of only 2.8%. Therefore, every petition to the Supreme Court is a roll of the dice, and your client wants to limit the cost of taking the roll. That is why the Supreme Court Press is sensitive to your client's pricing needs. We deliver high quality, expertly prepared documents at a price that makes access to the Supreme Court affordable.

For a limited time, the Supreme Court Press is running a special for first-time customers:

  • • $2500 Writ of Certiorari - For this low flat price, the Supreme Court Press will prepare an exqusite Writ of Certiorari in compliance the high courts' exacting rules on formatting, paper quality, and binding. You will also receive our full proofreading service and the phone consultation availability of our document preparation specialists. This pricing is available for Writs of Certiorari with an appendix length up to 100 pages, which meets the needs of most applications to the Supreme Court. Should your document exceed this length, we will modestly scale the price accordingly and provide you a fixed price for the total job.

  • • $1000 Brief in Opposition to a Writ of Certiorari - For this low flat price, the Supreme Court Press will prepare an exquisite Brief in Opposition in compliance with the Rules of the Supreme Court. When you are preparing a Brief in Opposition to a Writ of Certiorari, you only have 30 days to file a response. As you are furiously working to this deadline, you need a document preparation partner that can rapidly prepare and assemble a polished document. This pricing is available for Briefs in Opposition that are to the standard length. Should your document exceed this length or require an appendix, we will modestly scale the price accordingly to provide you a fixed price for the total job.

  • • Call Us for a Quote - Do you have an Amicus Curaie brief or a Merits Brief, or an unusually large Writ of Certiorari for which you need a price quote? Call the Supreme Court Press at 617-863-7527 to get a quote. If you'd prefer to do it by email, click here to request a quote by email.


FAQs on Supreme Court Filings

Success Rates on Writs of Certiorari

Getting a case heard by the Supreme Court is considerably more difficult than gaining admission to Harvard. In 2010, there were 5,910 petitions for a Writ of Certiorari filed (read more)

Word Count Limits on Supreme Court Filings

Each document must be accompanied by a certificate signed by the attorney, the unrepresented party, or the preparer of the document stating that the brief complies with the word limitations. The person (read more)

Formatting and Binding Requirments on Supreme Court Filings

Every document must be prepared in a bound booklet-format on paper that is cut to 6 1/8" x 9 1/4". The paper must be opaque, unglazed, and not less (read more)